The Bounty Hunter

How valuable is your network?

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Enter a username to see what the profile is worth.

Evaluate bounty to see what the profile is worth.

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Connect your profile to see your network's influence.

Top Bounties Discovered

ProfileBountyReferral BonusPage Views

Top Referrers

ProfileTotal EarnedReferral BonusesRevenue Share

Refer to Earn

Referring users to Focus earns you an instant bounty PLUS ~5% of ALL revenues they generate on the platform, at no cost to the creator.

Maximize Earning Potential

Rewards are calculated based on the influence of the creator being referred. Some creators are worth tens of thousands of dollars, or more!

Unlimited Referrals

Creators also get an instant reward proportional to their influence when they join. There's no limit to how many creators you can onboard.

Learn more about DeSo, the blockchain built to decentralize social media.

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© Focus 2025• The Crypto Social Network