
Invited by @HighKey

Total Creators
Total Referral
Bonus Earnings
Total Revenue
Share Earnings

Top Creators Referred

ProfileBountyReferral BonusesJoined At

No referrers found.

Coming soon!

Their Bounty

@josephlintz received this amount for joining Focus

Referrer Earned

@HighKey received this amount for referring @josephlintz

Referrer Revshare Earnings

This is how much the referrer has earned from collecting half of all fees generated by the creator


Revenue By Source

Revenue SourceEarningsRevenue Share
New Signup$0.00$0.00
Pay To Message$0.00$0.00
Pay To Unlock$0.00$0.00
Post To Earn(Coming soon!)$0.00$0.00
Repost To Earn(Coming soon!)$0.00$0.00
View To Earn(Coming soon!)$0.00$0.00
Twitter Bounty Claimed$0.00$0.00