the crypto social network
Earn crypto for content, pay anonymously as a fan,and never be de-platformed again.
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Every referral earns you: 10% of the bounty PLUS 5% of the creator's earnings at no cost to the creator via platform fees.
$FOCUS is now trading on
the DeSo DEX.
You can also buy $FOCUS on HeroSwap.
What is Focus?
The future of social

Focus redefines social networks and the creator economy by combining paid content, social media, and financial speculation

Incentives to create content

Join to Earn. Just for joining, you get a bounty of free crypto. Get even more for cross-posting to your X or Instagram accounts.

Refer to Earn. You get half of all fee revenue (~5%) for each person you refer, as well as 10% of their Joining Bonus.

Post to Earn. Every time you post, you're eligible to get $1 to $1,000 in free $FOCUS tokens. All you have to do is post!

The lowest fees & no limits

No transaction limits. Your fans can send you huge sums of $100,000+ instantly with the push of a button, thanks to crypto.

Microtransactions. Small transactions of a penny, or even less, are possible thanks to crypto.

Flat 10% fee, free transfers. With Focus, we charge a flat 10% fee on content monetization features, but transfers are always 100% free.

New ways to monetize

Paid content. Monetize with unlockable content, tips, paid reposts, paid subscriptions, paid messages, View to Earn, Post to Earn, and more!

Meme coins. Focus is the #1 platform for launching a token. Set a trading fee and make money every time someone trades your token!

Decentralized advertising. Focus also introduces paid reposts, where you can get paid to sponsor content with one click. Think of it like decentralized advertising.

Create privately, pay privately

Create anonymously. Other platforms require you to give up your personal information in order to create or consume content - Not Focus!

Pay anonymously. Users can pay for content anonymously with crypto, and creators can cashout instantly when they do.

No other platform lets you create anonymously or pay for content privately.

Encrypted content

Message encryption. All messages you receive are end-to-end encrypted. Nobody can see them other than you and the sender, period.

On-chain encryption. Your private keys securely encrypt and decrypt your content via your DeSo Wallet.

Subscriptions or pay-to-unlock. Focus lets you set up recurring monthly subscriptions or pay-to-unlock content that can be fully encrypted.

Never be de-platformed

Your content is truly yours. Focus treats your content like it's your Bitcoin: It's truly yours, and nobody can take it from you or your subscribers.

Thanks to DeSo. All content is stored on the DeSo blockchain, which replicates your content across thousands of nodes, just like Bitcoin does with your money.

Instant anonymous payments. DeSo is also used to power instant, anonymous and virtually fee-less payments.

Create or Import Wallet
Learn more about DeSo, the blockchain built to decentralize social media.

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© Focus 2025• The Crypto Social Network